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Setting up a Business in The Isle of Man

“The Jewel of the Irish Sea with the World’s Oldest Democracy”
Isle of Man business services Isle of Man Business Services Overview
Isle of Man business services About the Isle of Man
Isle of Man business services Setting up a Business in the Isle of Man
Isle of Man business services Taxation
Isle of Man business services Who to Contact
Isle of Man business services How to Proceed
Isle of Man Business Services Overview


OCRA Worldwide’s original and largest business centre offers a comprehensive range of business solutions to corporations and entrepreneurs wishing to establish a physical presence on the Isle of Man, one of Europe’s premier offshore financial centres, offering Zero corporate tax and capped rates of personal income tax.

The Island's Government has positively encouraged economic growth in recent years by creating a sympathetic tax regime and suitable legislative framework for expansion and by offering financial incentives where necessary, particularly for the manufacturing industry and tourism. In addition, the establishment of a Freeport on the Island has assisted the manufacturing sector to become one of the major income earners.

Whilst other offshore centres have become overcrowded and expensive, the Isle of Man is in the fortunate position of being able to provide affordable high-quality commercial and residential accommodation in a spacious and scenic environment. It has the capacity for sustaining growth for many years while continuing to retain these virtues.

Isle of Man takes zero Corporate Tax Plunge

On 21st February 2006 the Hon. Allan Bell, Minister for the Treasury, announced that with effect from 6th April 2006 the rate of corporate income tax on trading and investment income will be 0% and that the rate of corporate income tax on banking business income and land & property income will be 10%. From the same date the rate of withholding tax on taxable distributions to non-residents will be the same as the rate of tax paid by the company. In addition corporate taxpayers, except those that currently pay a fee and those that may be exempted, will pay an annual corporate charge of £250 from the tax year commencing 6th April, 2006.

In the event that Manx companies are owned by Manx trusts, the residence of a trust for tax purposes (notwithstanding that it may have Isle of Man-based trustees) generally will be determined by the residence for tax purposes of the beneficiaries of the trust.

Existing exempt and non-resident companies and international LLCs will continue to pay exempt duty for the fiscal year commencing 6th April, 2006 but such duty will cease to be payable by them for any subsequent year. Applications for exempt companies and international LLCs will cease to be accepted from 6th April, 2006.

The result of the foregoing is that clients who are not resident in the Isle of Man for tax purposes can utilise a tax-resident Isle of Man company for trading purposes (most effectively within Europe as an Isle of Man company can be registered for V.A.T.) with no Isle of Man tax on the profits thereof or on distributions therefrom.

The abolition of corporate tax also adds substantially to the attractions of asset-holding companies on the island, which already benefit from the absence of capital gains tax, stamp duty or inheritance tax.

Additionally the Minister announced in his Budget Speech a capping of individual income tax liability at £100,000 p.a. on worldwide income with a view to encouraging entrepreneurs to relocate to the Isle of Man, thereby encouraging growth of the Manx economy. The combination of the reduction in corporate income tax as noted above to 0% (10% for land and property income) with the capping of personal income tax liability should make the Isle of Man a fiscally attractive location for high net worth individuals.

The OCRA Worldwide team based in Ramsey in the North of the Island has particular expertise in the utilisation of Manx business entities for international trade and investment and for real property and intellectual property holding.

For further information about Setting up a Business in the Isle of Man please contact a director of our Isle of Man office.

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