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Let us help you find assisted living options anywhere in the U.S.

Selecting the right assisted living option for an elderly parent's care can be overwhelming - there are so many alternatives, from small facilities and in home providers to large national chains. At ElderCarelink, we simplify the process by connecting you with qualified assisted living providers that meet your parents' needs - and yours.

Simply click Get Started and you're minutes away from finding the assisted living options you've been searching for.

Join the thousands of families around the U.S. who have found caring, qualified providers through ElderCarelink.

I was getting really frustrated until I found you guys. You sent me four good assisted living options to look into. What a time saver!

Robert S. - Washington
* We wanted to find someone to come in to help Mom a few hours a day. Thank you for the great assisted living referrals you sent us. It was a big help!

Chris V. - New Jersey