
Compendium of Horror, Fear, and the Grotesque

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    Now, do you doubt that your Bird was true?"

Emily Dickinson© is your primary resource for finding all the sites available for learning about horror, fear, gothic, and the grotesque. We are dedicated to exploring how the mechanics and psychology of fear have influenced literature, art, and everyday life. Fear is a powerful emotion that can be studied in a variety of ways; e.g., biologically, psychologically, politically, socially, or artistically. We also explore how fear relates to death, phobias, and anxiety. To begin exploring the site just click on one of the gray menu buttons.

                                                                                D.R. Saliba

Happy Holidays!

Black Christmas

"Black Christmas"

December 2008

  • Gift of the White Light: "For over 36 years, Annette Martin has used her psychic ability--the Gift of the White Light--to help thousands of people answer everyday questions concerning heart, career, health, emotional issues, and departed loved ones. She frequently assists law enforcement agencies, including the FBI, in solving heinous crimes and locating missing persons. When giving health readings, Annette Martin channels Edgar Cayce, the "sleeping prophet." Martin's predictions are uncannily accurate. In a reading requested by John Denver, she said she saw him flying a small craft that would tumble into the ocean. Fifteen years later he would die exactly that way."

  • "Never Say Die: Why We Can't Imagine Death": Why so many of us think our minds continue on after we die, by Jesse Bering

  • "What Happens When We Die?" by M.J. Stephey

  • Horror movies: "It is hard to grasp the changes that took place in popular consciousness between 1940 and 1950. In ten short years the concept of a horrific monster had altered irrevocably. Whereas Lon Chaney, Jr in a fine covering of yak's hair had once served as a powerful envoy from the dark side, now there were more recognisably human faces attached to evil. Faces who had fought on both sides in WW2, the developers of the atom bomb and the death camp, mad scientists indeed whose activities would have unnerved even Victor Frankenstein or Dr Moreau." Horror Movies in the 1950s Part 1: Godzilla, The Beast from 10,000 Fathoms, The Wasp Woman, Them!, Ray Harryhausen, monster movies .

  • "Real and Palpable Terror": a gallery of grisly or disturbing scenes linked from our Terror page.

  • Bonded By Blood is an anthology of the 16 best short stories featured in SNM Horror Magazinethe darkest new voices in the horror genre. Read the book review!

  • Sign our Guestbook


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Compendium of Horror, Fear, and the Grotesque