“I was surprised when I lost 25 lbs - but once I lost 42 lbs, I was blown away”

Hi.  My name is Tracy and I want to share with everyone how I lost 42 pounds in just 12 weeks.  I know what you are thinking.  You’re probably thinking I crash dieted.  The truth is I didn’t have to do any crash diets, which is why I am so excited about this.  Now I want to share with everyone how I lost the weight with only an Acai Berry Supplement and a Colon Cleanser I used.  Weight loss is hard for everyone, but I hope by sharing my story people will get inspired and realize they can lose that excess weight, too.  In order to help people like me lose weight, I’m going to share my struggles, and then my success.

Tracy - Before & After

My Wake Up Call

I’ve always struggled with my weight to a certain degree.  I have lived my life a few pounds overweight, and it didn’t bother me too much.  I mean, of course I would have liked to be thin, but I just figured my body wasn’t meant to be like a model.  I was a normal woman, and I could live with that.

But then it was no longer a matter of me being a few pounds overweight.  It seemed as if I woke up one day and nothing in my closet would fit.  I looked at my body, and I really felt as if I was going to cry.  I think most overweight women know what I am talking about.  When you become obese, it is hard to recognize yourself, and when you finally realize how big you are, it is shocking.

I decided to step on the scale, hoping that my eyes were deceiving me.  I’d managed to avoid scales for most of my life, but now I knew I needed something to tell me I wasn’t as big as I thought.

I stepped on the scale, and I thought I was going to be sick.  That number staring back at me couldn’t be right.  How did I get to 172 pounds?  No wonder my clothes wouldn’t fit anymore!

Diet Fads 101

I knew I had to do something, so I went on one crash diet to the next.  I would lose some water weight, and then I would be back up to the size I was.

I hit rock bottom when I spent two weeks doing some serious crash dieting.  I had barely eaten anything, and I exercised for the first time in a long time.  I was sure I was going to see results when I stepped on the scale.

I went to the scale and stepped on, excitedly looking down at the number.  185?  How was that possible?  I had been dieting and exercising!

Before I knew it, I sank into a depression.  Not only was I overweight, but I couldn’t lose it.  Before, at least I hadn’t been trying to lose it.  Now, I realized I was going to be destined for a life of obesity.

The TV show that turned my life around

Epiphanies come in strange ways sometimes, and mine came on the sofa.  I was flipping through channels the day after I realized I was hopeless when it came to weight loss.  I stopped when I saw Oprah.  Oprah always makes me feel better.  I decided to sit and watch for a few minutes.

Those few minutes changed my life.  Oprah had Dr. Oz on her show, and I quickly became interested in what he had to say.  It was like he was talking to me.  He was discussing weight loss, and I needed to learn about that more than ever.

He started talking about this supplement called Acai Berry.  I listened as he said that the supplement would:

    o  Speed up my metabolism
    o  Increase my energy
    o  Suppress my appetite

I was immediately interested.  After all, Oprah seems as if she can be trusted.  She’s never steered me wrong before.  I have loved all of the books in her book club, and she never just jumps on the bandwagon to endorse a product.

Then, I found another reason to get the Acai Berry SupplementI could order it for free and only pay about $5 for shipping and handling.

Dr. Oz was not done with me yet.  I was flipping through channels on the TV the next day, and it was as if it was meant to be.  There was Dr. Oz again.  I was immediately interested in what he had to say.

Dr. Oz said that people get a lot of gunk trapped in their bodies.  If they are going to lose weight, they need to clean out that gunk.  He recommended using a Colon Cleanse Supplement.

I could also get a Free Trial of the Colon Ceanser Supplement.

That’s when it finally dawned on me.  With an Acai Berry Supplement and a Colon Cleanse Supplement, I could finally get on track with my weight loss.

Starting with Acai Berry + the Colon Cleanser Supplements

I went online and ordered Acai Berry and the Colon Cleanse Supplement for free.  After I paid a few dollars for shipping and handling, the pills were on their way to my front door.  I couldn’t wait to get started.

Finally, a few days later, they were there when I came home from work.  I was so excited when I opened up the packages and took the first of my Acai Berry and Colon Cleanser supplements.

My Results

During my trial period I lost 25 lbs! I continued using both products and lost another 17 lbs. (That’s a total of 42 lbs in 3 months!) After 3 months, I was ready to share these products with the world.  12 weeks into the system, I had already:

    o  Gotten rid of toxins in my body
    o  Started losing weight
    o  Built up my energy level
    o  Got rid of that gunk that was built up in my body

Most of all, I had lost 42 pounds!

I realized these were the products that were finally going to get me down to the size I wanted.  Forget those clothes hanging in my closet.  When I was done, I was going to buy all new clothes to show off my great body.

My whole outlook changed.  Suddenly, I was in control.  Forget about the fat that had taken control of my life for so long.  I was back in the driver’s seat and I was going to live my life the way I wanted.

My Routine

You’re probably thinking 42 pounds in 12 weeks sounds like a lot, so I must have been killing myself to get to that point.  That’s the great part about it.  I didn’t kill myself at all.  By following a simple routine, I was able to start losing that extra weight that had been holding me back.

The Acai Berry Supplement and the Colon Cleanser Supplement gave me the tools I needed to start losing weight and feeling great.  I was still able to eat.  As a matter of fact, I didn’t have to make any serious changes. 

The one change I stayed dedicated to was taking my Acai Berry and Colon Cleanse Supplements every day.

If you’re still not convinced it was that easy for me, I’m going to let you in on my secrets.  I am going to tell you, step by step, how I was able to lose the weight.

I may not be a personal trainer, but I know this worked for me.  With Acai Berry and the colon cleanse, I was able to lose the weight by doing a few simple things.

The 2-Step System

Step One:  The first step of my system is the most important.  I take my Acai Berry Supplement every day.  When I get up in the morning, I take the supplement.  Then, I take another one at night.  It:

    o  Regulates my metabolism
    o  Gives me energy
    o  Helps me lose weight

Step Two:  The second important part of my system is the Colon Cleanse Supplement.  I am able to take a pill in the morning and in the night, just like my Acai Berry.  This supplement:

    o  Removes toxins from my body
    o  Helps me lose weight
    o I mproves my health

My 2 Step System doesn’t require much work to lose weight.  The supplements work with your body in order to promote weight loss.  Instead of making you fight for every pound that comes off of your body, the supplements and your body work as a team to get rid of that excess fat.  It works when you are not even doing anything.

I was able to lose weight because:

    o  I’m not nearly as hungry as a I used to be
    o  My genetically slow metabolism has sped up
    o  I burn more calories because of my increased energy
    o  I don’t have that gunk and sludge in my colon anymore

The Key to My Success

Now that you know my diet and exercise routine, I’m almost embarrassed.  I’m really proud of my weight loss, but the truth is the supplements have done more than I have.  Truth be told, I like it that way.  I don’t have the time to put into dedicating my life to weight loss, so this was perfect for me.

I know that 42 pounds is not the end of my weight loss, but I have already begun to see amazing changes in the way I feel about myself.  With Acai Berry and the Colon Cleanse, I have started to:

    o  Feel better about myself
    o  Get excited about clothes
    o  Have more confidence in social situations

Weight loss has changed my outlook, and it’s definitely been for the better.  I am a happier person since I started taking Acai Berry and the Colon Cleanse.

The Energy Burst

I have also experienced a wonderful burst of energy by taking the Acai Berry and the Colon Cleanse Supplements.  Let’s be honest with ourselves.  There are days when we don’t feel as if we have the energy to participate in life.

When those days occur, we would much rather be curled up in the bed than dealing with kids and husbands and jobs.  I’ve been there before, and I’m sure everyone else has, too.

When I started taking Acai Berry and the colon cleanse, I finally had the energy for life again.  Remember when you were a kid, and you had the energy to do anything you wanted?  I feel like that again, for the first time in years.

Everyone should have the opportunity to feel as good as I feel now.  I never realized how much my weight bothered me until it started to come off and I was able to look back and reevaluate things.

Now I know my weight had been holding me back.  I tried to convince myself that I did not care about weight, but in reality, I was in denial.  Acai Berry has helped me confront that denial.

I’m glad I found Acai Berry and the Colon Cleanse before I wasted too much time using diets and fads that do not work.  I was lucky to be able to find something that melted the fat away so quickly.

With a Free Trial of the Acai Berry Supplement and a Free Trial of the Colon Cleanse Supplement available plus the full money-back guarantee, I would recommend people to at least give it a chance.  With nothing to lose but the weight, people may realize they are able to have the same success as me with Acai Berry and the Colon Cleanse.

My Plan for the Future

I am going to continue to take Acai Berry and the Colon Cleanse Supplement so I can stay on track with the weight loss.  I haven’t experienced any side effects, so it has been the perfect product for me to take for the long term.

I am going to stick with it and watch the pounds continue to disappear.  I’m finally getting looks for the right reasons and I don’t want it to end.

At the rate I’m going, I expect to reach my goal in a few months.  Then, I will be smaller than I’ve been in my entire adult life.  I’m glad I took the time to sign up for the Free Trial of the Acai Berry Supplement and the Free Trial of the Colon Cleanse Supplement, as they have given me the tools I need for weight loss.

>> Free Bottle of the Acai Berry Supplement

>> Free Bottle of the Colon Cleanse Supplement



Wow, this sounds great.  I just ordered my free trial for both products.  I’ll keep you guys posted.


These are great products.  I used them a few months ago, and they were the first weight loss products that actually worked for me.  I feel better than ever!


How did you keep the weight off?


@Sara-I just stuck with my Acai Berry and colon cleanse routine and it was easy.  I had so much more energy and the weight just kept coming off, and then it stayed off.


I’m going to try this.  I have tried every kind of diet there is, and nothing seems to work.  I just ordered my free trial and I’m really excited.  I need something that will take the weight off.


One of my friends tried this and really lost a lot of weight. Now that I’ve read about your success, I’m going to try it too.  I need to lose some weight and this seems to be the product everyone is talking about.


My mom used this and it was amazing.  She lost around fifty pounds and now she’s a new woman.  I just ordered my trials for both products.  I want to be as thin as my mom is now.


I just got mine in the mail, and I can’t wait.  I need to lose some weight within the next month, so I’m hoping it works.


@Anne-As long as you take it every day, you should see some pounds come off right away.  That’s the great thing about these products.  It doesn’t take long at all to start working.  Just make sure you take both and you should have success.


I actually used both of these too.  They are great supplements to take to speed up the metabolism and clean out the body.  I tried it and I saw results right away.  My girlfriend was using it and it was working, so I decided to give it a try myself.  I’m glad I did.


Thanks for this post!  I have been looking for the perfect weight loss method.  I’ve tried everything, from Adkins to liquid diets and nothing has worked.  This sounds like it is right for me, and I just ordered my free trial.


This is so true.  I took this, and it totally worked for me.  I have never been so happy with a weight loss product in my life.  I feel better than I ever have, and I owe it to Acai Berry and the colon cleanse.


I saw this on TV, and I have been thinking about it ever since.  Now, I’m finally going to order it and give it a try.  It seems like everyone who uses it has success and I need to find something that will work for me.  Wish me luck!


@Liz-Good luck Liz!  Just take it as directed and I’m sure you will lose some weight.  You will feel better about yourself and look better too!  Good luck!  Just remember, use the two step system.


Everyone should try this.  It really works.  I was skeptical at first, but then I was amazed.  It really did an amazing job at taking off that extra weight!


My girlfriend started using this, and it was amazing.  She has always been self conscious about her weight, and now she finally has confidence.  She looks great and feels great.


I just ordered mine and I can’t wait.  This is going to be great.  Some of my friends have used it and they have had a lot of success, so now it’s my turn!

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